Git the Princess the Delphi Way

First of all, Delphi developers don't know how to Git the princess, they only know how to Subversion. You are an experienced Delphi developer with 20+ years in the field. Actually, there are no other kinds of Delphi developers. You know how to save the darn princess. You are done while others are still prototyping. You use FireMonkey to git the princess. You accidentally trip over the undocumented dragon sneeze button. Now, the castle is on fire, the princess in on fire, you are on fire... You start on Saturday, there is a new Tokyo update. Godzilla jumps out of it, demolishes the castle, makes the dragon run for his life, and squashes the princess. You start on Saturday, there is a new Tokyo update, and it triggers a license check error with an ancient Delphi 7 installation. While you wait for Monday to get support, others have pulled the princess and there is none left. Inspired by