Just released book: Delphi Thread Safety Patterns

Delphi Thread Safety Patterns Book https://dalija.prasnikar.info/delphitspatt/ While the thread safety of a particular piece of code depends on the surrounding context and how it is used, some data types are inherently unsafe, and for some of them, thread safety will depend on the use case and the specific code. Unfortunately, when you look at some class, type declaration, or API in isolation, there is very little information there that will tell you whether instances of that type can be safely used in multiple threads, or under which conditions. The proper place to learn about the thread safety of an API is its documentation. However, most documentation will not explicitly give you that information. Occasionally, the documentation will mention that a particular feature is not thread-safe, or will tell you that a feature can be used in background threads, but for the most part, you will have to figure out thread safety on your own. One reason for this is that thread safety depends on t...