
Showing posts from April, 2023

Assigning result to a function from asynchronous code

One of the more common problems that comes up in multi-threading, especially when refactoring existing code, is assigning a result obtained from asynchronous code. In other words, how do you write a function that will return some value, and calculate that value in a background thread? Basically, converting the following code: function GetData(...): string; var Data: string; begin Data := LongTask(...); // assign result of a long-running task to a function Result := Data; end; To this one: function GetData(...): string; var Data: string; begin TThread.CreateAnonymousThread( procedure begin Data := LongTask(...); end).Start; // assign result of a long-running task to a function Result := Data; end; Now, the above code will compile, but it will not achieve the desired functionality. Even if we ignore its thread safety issues (the background thread writes to the Data variable and that can interfere with assigning it to the function result), the funct...